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Monday, July 29, 2002



This is a nice little slide show program for OS X. It works as advertised and a bit more quickly than than the slideshow program I had been using.

From their site...

JPEGDeux 1.5, released on 7/28/02, adds many many new features. Among them are moving or copying images to arbitrary folders, precacheing images for greater speed, the ability to rotate or flip images, a preview drawer, and lots more.

JPEGDeux is a program that displays slideshows of image files. The shows can be displayed in a window, full screen, or in the Dock (!), and there are several customization options.

The name comes from the program JPEGView, which I admire as a specialized tool that works intuitively and is done right (it still runs great in the Classic environment despite being written in 1995). JPEGDeux is open-sourced under the BSD license. The code demonstrates some interesting Cocoa techniques, such as short-circuiting the main run loop and a customized image view.

Download now

Via Macintouch


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