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Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Techology in the Schools

More and more, there are computers in our children's classrooms, but many teachers don't have the training or the time to integrate them into the learning process. (See Those Who Can't : Few are trained to use PCs as creative tools in teaching., Seattle Weekly, August 6-12).

To me, this is an absurd situation. As high-tech workers, we have the knowledge, surely we can find some time to help these teacher help our children and those of our friends and neighbors.

If you can find any time at all in your schedule, talk to your children's teachers about what they need to use their computer effectively in their classroom. Do they need training? Set up a class or series of classes. Do they need additional equipment? We all have something in the back room which could be put to better use. Do they need information on how to use the computer in the classroom? Spend some time searching and pass on the good web sites, blogs and discussion groups you find. Surely, we can fit a few minutes into our day.

We, as people who understand technology, can do a lot more to insure that our teachers have the tools and the training they need to help our children excel.


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