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Saturday, January 24, 2004

RSS Feeds Broken...a little

For those of you reading via RSS, you may have noticed that the main link in each item is broken. Instead of linking you to the blog entry, it gives you a 404 Not Found Error. This is due to some issues with the Feedster.com RSS generation engine that I am using. Any internal links inside the entry will work fine, but the main link to the blog entry will not. You can manually edit the link by adding /blog/ after the domain name. The RSS link is missing the sub-directory part of the URL for some reason. I have emails into tech supprt on the issue and am trying to get it resolved.

Also, Blogger.com has finally turned on their RSS generation services, as well. Unfortunately, this software has an issue with the discussion group links I have been adding to posts for the last week or so. There is a possibility I will switch over to using the Blogger service if I can get it working. This means yet another change in my RSS URL, so please be patient. It make take a little while to get things worked out.


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