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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Working somewhere else

I know that Rosanne doesn't understand this concept, but there are days when I simply have to get out of the home office and work somewhere else, especially when I am working on my weekly column. There is something important in seeing something new, something different, to spur the mind...or, at least, give it a little nudge. I find the comfy chairs in my local Starbucks to work pretty well, but there are a host of other places, including Franklin Canyon Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Productivity Tip: Work somewhere else today

In a rut? Go to the office, but work somewhere else today. Don't sit at your desk. Work in the kitchen, the conference room, the library, the hallway. Sit at someone else's desk or swap desks (if someone lets you). Work somewhere else and you'll see something new which will help you think something new. It's simple and it works.



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