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Monday, June 05, 2006


Ok, until after tomorrow, and possibly later, since I often receive political calls the day after the election) I refuse to answer my home telephone line. Nine out of ten calls this week have been automated voices with this senator, that representative or some judge trying to convince me to vote for them.

You know what? The chances of me casting my vote for you go down directly in proportion to the number of unsolicited and unwanted automated phone calls I receive. There are a hundred different ways to get your message out and bombarding people in the last few days before an election, in the most annoying way, is absurd. If you haven't made your position clear by now, find another job.

Sure, I can, and do, let my answering machine take the calls, by even listening to this drivel second hand is annoying and a waste of time.

Thank goodness that cell phones are currently immune from this stupidity. I have been so close to turning off my landline telephone for months and this just might be the one thing to push me over the edge. If the rules against cell phone solicitation ever change I might just go back to carrier pigeon for my messages. Cleaning out the pigeon house will still be more enjoyable than listening to the dreck that masquerades for politics.

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