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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Douglas' Poem included in Wine and Kissing Anthology

A poem I originally wrote for a contest at Gundlach Bunschu winery has been selected for inclusion in a blog, and possible book, entitled Wine and Kissing by Paul Wagner and "Elisabet Alhambra". The Wine and Kissing web site is nearing completion, but the editors recently gave an interview to a blog hosted by Sacre Bleu Winery and included my poem, "Pass the bottle and kiss me" as part of their interview.

Pass the Bottle and Kiss Me
By Douglas E. Welch

"I love you as much as I love this red,"she said.

I took that as the greatest compliment.
To be compared to a fine wine,
and all the history that comes before it,
is high praise indeed.

From wine's discovery to today
it has stirred thoughts, dreams, love and lust.
Given us solace
and accompanied our joyful celebrations.
Man and wine move side-by-side through history.

Yes, I like to think I am a fine wine.
Tart, brash, smooth, spirited...ageless.
Life without wine would be like life without love.

"Pass the bottle," I said,

"and kiss me."

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